Nov 27, 2010

A Time for Thanks

November...a time for giving Thanks! I am so thankful for my family and friends. 
Sorry it's been awhile since I have posted to my blog. Life has been really crazy. I have been taking the last few months to focus on myself and strengthen my immune system. I will post more about that soon. It's been a rough 6 months, but I am feeling better....slowly. 

....................Enough about me......a little update about the boys.....................

Bradley is now in Kindergarten. He is doing really well, loves his class and teacher. Everyday he comes home with a new song. 

Nathan is really turning into an amazing little boy. He is such a little goof ball. Everyday after we walk Bradley to school in the morning Nathan has to give him a big hug and kiss before we leave the classroom. I know that he will not want to admit it when he is a teenager, but it sure melts my heart. 

More updates and pics to come soon!